floodsimilarity --------------- Configuartion ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The configuration for the required data sources must be provided as a `json` file: The following schema describes the required structure :file:`./floodsimilarity/json/config_schema.json` An example json file used during testing looks like that: .. literalinclude:: ../../config.json :language: json The file must be named `config.json` and exist in the current working directory. Check out the listed schema file above to see how data files are used in the configuration. For the given example, the service under `hydro` requires credentials. Their are currently two options to provide them: #. Provide the environment variables `APACHE_USER` and `APACHE_PASS` during runtime. #. Provide a file `.env` in the working directory with the following content. .. code-block:: shell APACHE_USER=user_name APACHE_PASS=user_pass Usage ^^^^^ .. automodule:: floodsimilarity.floodsimilarity :members: get_processing_options, process_event_extraction, process_request