Source code for demessaging.backend.module

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-2024 Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-2021 Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht GmbH
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2024 Helmholtz-Zentrum hereon GmbH
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

"""Backend module to transform a python module into a pydantic model.

This module defines the main model in the demessaging framework. It takes a
list of members, or a module, and creates a new Model that can be used to
generate code, connect to the pulsar, and more. See :class:`BackendModule` for
from __future__ import annotations

import atexit
import base64
import inspect
import io
import logging
import traceback
from importlib import import_module
from typing import (

import docstring_parser
from deprogressapi import BaseReport
from pydantic import Field  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
from pydantic import BaseModel, RootModel, ValidationError, create_model
from pydantic.json_schema import JsonSchemaValue

from demessaging.backend import utils
from demessaging.backend.class_ import BackendClass, ClassAPIModel
from demessaging.backend.function import BackendFunction, FunctionAPIModel
from demessaging.config import ModuleConfig
from demessaging.messaging.consumer import MessageConsumer
from demessaging.PulsarMessageConstants import PropertyKeys, Status
from demessaging.utils import append_parameter_docs, merge_config

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] @append_parameter_docs class BackendModuleConfig(ModuleConfig): """Configuration class for a backend module.""" # it should be Union[Type[BackendFunction], Type[BackendClass]], but # this is not supported by pydantic if TYPE_CHECKING: models: List[Union[Type[BackendFunction], Type[BackendClass]]] models: List[Any] = Field( # type: ignore default_factory=list, description=( "a list of function or class models for the members of the " "backend module" ), ) module: Any = Field( description="The imported backend module (or none, if there is none)" ) class_name: str = Field(description="Name of the model class")
[docs] class ModuleAPIModel(BaseModel): """An model that represants the API of a backend module.""" classes: List[ClassAPIModel] = Field( description="The RPC-enabled classes that this module contains." ) functions: List[FunctionAPIModel] = Field( description="The RPC-enabled functions that this module contains." ) rpc_schema: JsonSchemaValue = Field( description="The aggregated JSON schema for an RPC call to this module." )
ModuleMember = Union[ Type[BackendFunction], Type[BackendClass], Callable, str, Type[object] ]
[docs] @append_parameter_docs class BackendModule(RootModel): """A base class for a backend module. Do not directly instantiate from this class, rather use the :meth:`create_model` method. """ backend_config: ClassVar[BackendModuleConfig] pulsar: ClassVar[MessageConsumer] # type that is implemented by subclasses root: Union[BackendFunction, BackendClass] def __call__(self) -> BaseModel: """Call the selected member of this backend module.""" return self.root() # type: ignore
[docs] @classmethod def create_model( cls, module_name: Optional[str] = None, members: Optional[List[ModuleMember]] = None, config: Optional[ModuleConfig] = None, class_name: Optional[str] = None, **config_kws, ) -> Type[BackendModule]: """Generate a module for a backend module. Parameters ---------- module_name: str The name of the module to import. If none is given, the `members` must be specified members: list of members The list of members that shall be added to this module. It can be a list of - :class:`~demessaging.backend.function.BackendFunction` classes ( generated with :meth:`~demessaging.backend.function.BackendFunction.create_model`) - :class:`~demessaging.backend.class_.BackendClass` classes ( generated with :meth:`~demessaging.backend.class_.BackendClass.create_model`) - functions (that will then be transformed using :meth:`~demessaging.backend.function.BackendFunction.create_model`) - classes (that will then be transformed using :meth:`~demessaging.backend.class_.BackendClass.create_model`) - strings, in which case they point to the member of the given `module_name` config: ModuleConfig, optional The configuration for the module. If this is not given, you must provide ``config_kws`` or define a ``backend_config`` variable within the module corresponding to `module_name` class_name: str, optional The name for the generated subclass of :class:`pydantic.BaseModel`. If not given, the name of `Class` is used ``**config_kws`` An alternative way to specify the configuration for the backend module. Returns ------- Subclass of BackendFunction The newly generated class that represents this module. """ if module_name is not None: module: Any = import_module(module_name) else: module = None if members is None and module is None: raise ValueError("Either members or module need to be provided!") if config and config_kws: raise ValueError("Either config or config_kws can be used!") if config_kws: config = ModuleConfig(**config_kws) elif module is not None and hasattr(module, "backend_config"): config = module.backend_config config = cast(ModuleConfig, config) # this should not be camelized class_name = class_name or module_name or config.messaging_config.topic assert config is not None config = BackendModuleConfig( module=module, class_name=class_name, **config.model_copy().model_dump(), ) if not members: members = list(config.members) if not members: assert module is not None if hasattr(module, "__all__"): members = list(module.__all__) else: functions = inspect.getmembers( module, predicate=inspect.isfunction ) classes = inspect.getmembers( module, predicate=inspect.isfunction ) members = [t[1] for t in functions if not t[0].startswith("_")] members += [t[1] for t in classes if not t[0].startswith("_")] # finally check if we have any members if not members: raise ValueError( f"Found no members for the given module {module_name}!" ) models: List[Union[Type[BackendFunction], Type[BackendClass]]] = [] for i, member in enumerate(list(members)): member_obj: ModuleMember member_model: Union[Type[BackendFunction], Type[BackendClass]] if isinstance(member, str): member = getattr(module, member) if inspect.isclass(member) and issubclass( member, (BackendFunction, BackendClass) # type: ignore ): member = cast( Union[Type[BackendFunction], Type[BackendClass]], member ) member_model = member member_obj = ( member.backend_config.Class if issubclass(member, BackendClass) else member.backend_config.function ) elif inspect.isclass(member): member_model = BackendClass.create_model(member) member_obj = member elif callable(member): member_model = BackendFunction.create_model(member) member_obj = member else: raise ValueError( f"Cannot transform {member} to a member model!" ) members[i] = member_obj models.append(member_model) config.members = members config.models = models if not config.doc and module: docstring = docstring_parser.parse(module.__doc__) config.doc = utils.get_desc(docstring) member_types = models[0] for model in models[1:]: member_types = Union[member_types, model] # type: ignore kws = {"__module__": module_name} if module_name else {} Model: Type[BackendModule] = create_model( # type: ignore class_name, __base__=cls, root=(member_types, Field(description="The member to call.")), **kws, # type: ignore ) Model.model_config["title"] = config.messaging_config.topic # type: ignore Model.backend_config = config # configure logging config.log_config.configure_logging() if module is not None: config.imports += "\n" + utils.get_module_imports(module) Model.__doc__ = config.doc return Model
[docs] @classmethod def test_connect(cls): """Connect to the message pulsar.""" cls.pulsar = consumer = MessageConsumer( pulsar_config=cls.backend_config.messaging_config, handle_request=cls.handle_message, module_info=cls.model_json_schema(), api_info=cls.get_api_info(), ) atexit.register(consumer.disconnect) consumer.setup_subscription()
[docs] @classmethod def get_api_info(cls) -> ModuleAPIModel: """Get the API info on the module.""" return ModuleAPIModel( classes=[ class_.get_api_info() for class_ in cls.backend_config.models if issubclass(class_, BackendClass) ], functions=[ class_.get_api_info() for class_ in cls.backend_config.models if issubclass(class_, BackendFunction) ], rpc_schema=cls.model_json_schema(), )
[docs] @classmethod def listen(cls): """Connect to the message pulsar.""" cls.pulsar = pulsar = MessageConsumer( pulsar_config=cls.backend_config.messaging_config, handle_request=cls.handle_message, module_info=cls.model_json_schema(), api_info=cls.get_api_info(), ) atexit.register(pulsar.disconnect) pulsar.wait_for_request()
[docs] @classmethod def send_request( cls: Type[BackendModule], request: Union[BackendModule, IO, Dict[str, Any]], ) -> BaseModel: """Test a request to the backend. Parameters ---------- request: dict or file-like object A request to the backend module. """ if isinstance(request, io.IOBase): model = cls.model_validate_json("\n".join(request.readlines())) elif hasattr(request, "root"): request = cast(BackendModule, request) model = cls.model_validate(request.root) else: model = cls.model_validate(request) payload = base64.b64encode( model.model_dump_json().encode("utf-8") ).decode("utf-8") request = { "properties": {}, "payload": payload, } producer = cls.backend_config.messaging_config.producer response = utils.run_async(producer.send_request, request) status = response[PropertyKeys.STATUS] if status == Status.SUCCESS: logger.debug("request successful") result = response["msg"] elif status == Status.ERROR: logger.error("request failed: %s", response["msg"]) raise ValueError(response["error"]) else: raise ValueError("Unknonw status message %s" % (status,)) return model.root.return_model.model_validate_json(result)
[docs] def compute(self) -> BaseModel: """Send this request to the backend module and compute the result. This method updates the model inplace. """ response = self.send_request(self) return response
[docs] @classmethod def shell(cls): """Start a shell with the module defined.""" from IPython import start_ipython start_ipython(argv=[], user_ns=dict(Model=cls))
[docs] @classmethod def generate( cls, line_length: int = 79, use_formatters: bool = True, use_autoflake: bool = True, use_black: bool = True, use_isort: bool = True, ) -> str: """Generate the code for the frontend module.""" import autoflake import black import isort code = cls.backend_config.render() if use_formatters: if use_isort: code = isort.code(code, float_to_top=True, profile="black") if use_black: code = black.format_str( code, mode=black.Mode(line_length=line_length) ) # remove unused imports if use_autoflake: code = autoflake.fix_code(code, remove_all_unused_imports=True) if use_isort: code = isort.code(code, float_to_top=True, profile="black") if cls.backend_config.module: # remove __main__, etc. name = cls.backend_config.module.__name__ code = code.replace(name + ".", "") return code.strip() + "\n"
[docs] @classmethod def handle_message(cls, request_msg):"processing request %s", request_msg["messageId"]) def handle_error(header: str, e: Exception): if cls.backend_config.debug: msg = traceback.format_exc() else: msg = str(e) cls.pulsar.send_error( request=request_msg, error_message="{}: {}".format(header, msg), ) payload = base64.b64decode(request_msg["payload"]).decode("utf-8") try: model = cls.model_validate_json(payload) except ValidationError as e: handle_error("error validating request", e) except Exception as e: handle_error("error processing request", e) else: try: reporter_args = model.root.backend_config.reporter_args for key, reporter in reporter_args.items(): member_reporter = getattr(model.root, key) if member_reporter and isinstance( member_reporter, BaseReport ): member_reporter._pulsar = cls.pulsar member_reporter._request = request_msg result = model() except Exception as e: handle_error("error executing request", e) else: cls.pulsar.send_response( request=request_msg, response_properties={PropertyKeys.STATUS: Status.SUCCESS}, response_payload=result.model_dump_json(), )
[docs] @classmethod def model_json_schema(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Any]: ret = super().model_json_schema(*args, **kwargs) if cls.backend_config.json_schema_extra: ret = merge_config(ret, cls.backend_config.json_schema_extra) return ret
try: ModuleConfig.model_rebuild() except AttributeError: ModuleConfig.update_forward_refs()